Was it fate, fluke, or perhaps a friend that brought you here?

Whatever it was, I’m glad you’re here :)

πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Hello, I’m Akshaya! And I love newsletters like Dwight Schrute loves paper

So I thought, how cool would it be if I got the chance to talk to all the newsletter creators I love? ****

What resulted was this podcast.

At The Newsletter Nerd Show, we celebrate stories of independent newsletter creators.

No tips and tricks or buying and selling. Just a celebration of newsletters.

Oh, and there's lots of laughter and occasional dramatic scores tooπŸ₯

Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy the rideπŸ¦™

🎧 Listen Now

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Good people who agreed to be on the show

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<aside> πŸ¦™ Rohit Srivastav


<aside> πŸ¦™ Alex Wieckowski


<aside> πŸ¦™ Chantelle Marcelle


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<aside> πŸ¦™ Amy Nolan


<aside> πŸ¦™ **Dave Harland**


<aside> πŸ¦™ Hua Shu


<aside> πŸ¦™ Luciano Vizza


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<aside> πŸ¦™ Salman Ansari


<aside> πŸ¦™ Dan Nelken


<aside> πŸ¦™ Cole Schafer


<aside> πŸ¦™ Sairam Krishnan


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<aside> πŸ¦™ Fio Dossetto


<aside> πŸ¦™ Gemma Higgins


<aside> πŸ¦™ Kushaan Shah


<aside> πŸ¦™ Ankita Tripathi


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<aside> πŸ¦™ Sophie Cross


<aside> πŸ¦™ Jay Acunzo


<aside> πŸ¦™ Anirudha Basak


<aside> πŸ¦™ Patrick Icasas


Nice things people said about the show

"You were a warm conversation, Akshaya. Please keep bringing the same enthusiasm and authenticity to marketing and writing"

<aside> πŸ¦™ Cole Schafer


"Each episode is an intro to some of the best newsletters around the planet. Akshaya provides a glimpse into the life of newsletter creators, one per episode"

<aside> πŸ¦™ Abhijeet Kumar


"Truly one of the most original and enjoyable interviews I've experienced. Even though Akshaya's show is new, her care for craft is clear"

<aside> πŸ¦™ Jay Acunzo


"Loved every episode and the way you articulate the questions for each guest with a touch of their work. Keep them coming"

<aside> πŸ¦™ Roop Lukka


"Your work makes me think 'I want to be best friends with this person'. Your personality really shines through and you deliver, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME"

<aside> πŸ¦™ Anjana Pradeep


"With this podcast, Akshaya has poured her immensely talented soul into the idea. This podcast is fresh and full of vigor. You can't miss it!"

<aside> πŸ¦™ Ankita Tripathi


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